Industry Information

Market Status and Market Scale Analysis of China's Packaging Machinery Industry in 2021

2022-04-20 18:49:32 MetInfo

Since 2019, driven by new growth points in downstream food, medicine, daily chemicals and other industries, the output of special packaging equipment in China has increased year by year. With the continuous improvement of the overall strength of my country's packaging machinery industry, the export volume of my country's packaging machinery products is increasing, and the export value is increasing year by year. Today, my country has become the fastest growing, largest and most potential packaging machinery market in the world.

1. The output of special packaging equipment is increasing year by year

Packaging machinery refers to machinery that can complete all or part of the packaging process of products and commodities, mainly to complete weighing, filling, wrapping, sealing and other processes, as well as related pre- and post-processes, such as cleaning, stacking and disassembly, etc.; Processes such as metering or stamping on the package can be completed. The use of mechanical equipment to package products can improve production efficiency, reduce labor, directly improve the economic benefits of enterprise production, meet the needs of mass production, and meet the standard of clean environment.

In the continuous and large-scale industrial production process, packaging is the last process. Packaging can play the functions of protecting, beautifying, publicizing, and selling products, improving the competitiveness of commodities, and realizing packaging automation can effectively improve production capacity, ensure product quality, and help reduce production costs. Packaging automation is the use of automated devices to control and manage the packaging process so that it can be carried out automatically according to pre-specified procedures.

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The new growth point of the industry drives the overall growth of the packaging machinery industry

Fast-moving consumer goods such as food and beverages, electronics, medicine and other highly dynamic and intelligent subdivisions take digital transformation and intelligent manufacturing as the main driving force, and take the transformation and upgrading of traditional production lines as the main form. The need for production lines is increasing. With the rapid industrial upgrading of traditional food, automated brewing, consumer electronics, solid medicine and other fields in recent years, it has further stimulated the overall growth of my country's packaging machinery industry.


Small business

There are many small and medium-sized enterprises in my country's packaging machinery industry, with relatively small scale, weak independent research and development capabilities, few high-starting enterprises, many low-level repetitive constructions, weak comprehensive competitiveness, and no well-known brands in the world. Nearly 15% of companies in the industry change production or close down every year, but another 15% of companies join the industry. Affected by the epidemic in 2020, many companies will switch to making mask machines or related industries.


The intelligent level of packaging machinery has been significantly improved

Since my country released "Made in China 2025" in 2015, the process of China's intelligent manufacturing has started an accelerated stage. Under the wave of intelligence, mechanical intelligence has become an important development focus in the industrial field, and this also makes packaging machinery inevitably transform to intelligence. In recent years, with the support of the national industrial policy, some enterprises have greatly improved their technical level through independent innovation, introduction and absorption of foreign advanced technologies. The automation ratio in the field of packaging machinery in my country has exceeded 50%, which has laid a good foundation for the development of intelligence. .

"2016-2021 China Packaging Special Equipment Output and Growth"

(Unit: 10,000 units, %)

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In 2020, the output of special packaging equipment in my country reached 263,400 units, a year-on-year increase of 25.2%. As of April 2021, the output of special packaging equipment in my country was 228,200 units, an increase of 244.6% over the same period in 2020.

2. The export value is increasing year by year

Before the 1980s, my country's packaging machinery was mainly imported from Germany, France, Italy, Japan and other world machinery and equipment manufacturing powerhouses. After more than 20 years of development, China's packaging machinery has become one of the top ten industries in the machinery industry, providing a strong guarantee for the rapid development of China's packaging industry. Some packaging machinery has filled the domestic gap and can basically meet the needs of the domestic market. Products are also exported.

According to the statistics of the General Administration of Customs of China, from 2018 to 2019, my country imported about 140,000 packaging machinery and exported about 9 million packaging machinery. . It can be seen that with the continuous improvement of the overall strength of my country's packaging machinery industry, the export volume of my country's packaging machinery products is increasing.

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"2017-2021 China's Packaging Machinery Import and Export Quantity" (unit: 10,000 units)

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"2017-2021 China's Packaging Machinery Import and Export Value" (Unit: US$100 million)

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From the perspective of import and export amount, the import amount of my country's packaging machinery fluctuates and changes, and the export amount increases year by year. In 2020, my country's total import of packaging machinery will reach 1.570 billion US dollars, and the export value will reach 2.962 billion US dollars.



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Green environmental protection is an unchanging environmental theme in the future. For the packaging industry, which is closely related to people's lives, how to improve machinery, how to better adapt to the concept of green production, how to make production safer, more refined, and more suitable for needs, etc. The problem is also a social issue that requires Chinese companies to think about in advance.
